Call-ups of the autumn of 2023 to start

From 15 August to 15 December 2023, the Finnish Defence Forces’ Regional Offices will hold the call-ups in accordance with the Act on liability for military service.
This autumn, the call-up events will be attended by altogether 36,900 persons liable for call-ups. The new MyMilitary service available online will allow preparing in advance for the call-up event and for the up-coming service.
This autumn, the call-ups will be participated by all males who were born in 2005. Additionally, the call-ups will be attended by persons who have been ordered for re-evaluation, or who have been absent from the call-ups without a legitimate reason. All persons liable for call-ups must attend the call-ups unless the Regional Office has granted them a permission to be absent.
The purpose of the call-ups is to determine the fitness for service of a person liable for military service, and to take a decision concerning the service. In the call-up event, the persons liable for military service will receive information on their future service timing and service location. During the call-up event, it is possible to voice wishes concerning the service to the call-up board. However, please keep in mind that the exact service duration and service task will be ordered only at the end of the branch training phase.
To prepare for the call-ups, start using OmaIntti
It is now possible to prepare for the call-ups by accessing the Finnish Defence Forces’ new online service MyMilitary. MyMilitary allows all persons liable for military service to observe their personal timeline for service, and to access relevant contents and transactions. For instance, via MyMilitary persons liable for call-ups can apply to special operations forces, or to other service tasks that require applying prior to service start. For log in, please use your online bank user identifiers or mobile certificate.
Before the call-ups, it is useful for the persons liable for military service to familiarise with the versatile service tasks available, and to verbalise one’s ow wishes concerning the service. It pays off to think about how to utilise both one’s civilian training background and own areas of interest as applicable while in service.
This autumn, call-up events will be held in 244 localities in total. The date and location of one’s own call-up event can be double-checked on the information provided as part of the call-up announcements as published online at If you know already beforehand that you are unable to present at the call-ups, or if you contract an illness before the call-ups, please contact your own Regional Office to agree on how to sort out your liability for the call-ups.
Joint call-up and selection events to be piloted in the autumn of 2024
In the autumn of 2024, joint call-up and selection events will be piloted both for the call-ups and for the selections relating to the voluntary military service for women in the regions of Lapland, Uusimaa, and Häme. In the future, the objective is to hold joint events once the call-up reform in-progress gets completed.
In conjunction with this, women applying for the voluntary military service for women in the area of the Regional Offices partaking in the piloting may apply to the contingent of 1/25 at the earliest. The given brigade-level units will then be determined in accordance with the set quota brigade-level units as assigned to the Regional Offices.
The application process for the voluntary military service for women is now underway to close on 15 January 2024. This marks the first time that the applying takes place online via OmaIntti.