The Finnish Defence Forces and The National Defence Training Association of Finland (MPK) - working together to train a competent reserve

Defence Forces
Publication date 25.6.2024 14.01
Type:Press release

The strong backbone of Finland's defence is formed by reservists. Therefore, maintaining the skills learned during military service and developing one’s competence in the reserve is essential. The Finnish Defence Forces and the MPK work closely together to train a competent reserve.

The training of reservists is organized through refresher training by the Defence Forces, voluntary exercises and military readiness training organised by the National Defence Training Association (MPK). Refresher training exercises are an essential part of the Finnish military service, and they maintain the performance and national defence skills of wartime troops. The MPK training focuses on maintaining and developing the military capabilities of individuals.

The courses offered by the MPK cover almost all branches and the main training branches of the Finnish Defence Forces. In addition to those deployed in wartime troops and those in the auxiliary reserve, the MPK offers training suitable for all, which develops the security awareness and skills of all training participants. 

"Operational partnership at its best" 

In recent years, the training provided by the MPK has expanded to increasingly serve the needs of the Finnish Defence Forces in preparedness and production of wartime troops, which has also increased MPK's role as a major operational partner of the Finnish Defence Forces. 

- The MPK trains tens of thousands of reservists every year and thus accounts for a significant part of the total volume of reserve training. The operational impact of the MPK has increased and our cooperation has gained new dimensions. Our cooperation with the MPK is important for Finland's overall security," says Assistant Chief of Staff Training, Brigadier General Manu Tuominen.  

The MPK’s training is designed to be compatible with the needs of the Finnish Defence Forces, and the MPK's dedicated reserve instructors also train during refresher training exercises organised by the Finnish Defence Forces. 

- The aim is to deploy around 1,000 reservists to train and support the Finnish Defence Forces in refresher training and voluntary exercises each year. Joint planning and implementation of training, and the shared use of reserve instructors is operational partnership at its best," says Antti Lehtisalo, Executive Director of MPK.

Following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the number of reserve training events has increased significantly; the number of refresher training exercises was increased and the MPK increased the volume of training to meet the increased demand for training. In 2023, the MPK trained more persons than ever before. 

The MPK provides training for all citizens. The courses offer opportunities to learn skills that are useful for every citizen and a possibility to learn about military service. You can find out more about the courses offered by the MPK in the training calendar.