Information and communication technology services
The tasks in this area are available both for the rank and file (255 days) and leaders (347 days).
ICT support
This task will provide you with the readiness to operate as a professional in ICT administration, safety and technology both in the private and public sector, and include duties relating to customer service, maintenance and development. You will be operating in ICT technological environments featuring a number of security classifications.
- ICT-tukihenkilö, Maanpuolustuskorkeakoulu, Helsinki
- ICT-tukihenkilö (verkko-oppimisympäristö), Puolustusvoimien palveluskeskus, Tuusula
The programming tasks require that you are able to function independently and look for solutions to ICT problems by consulting online resources. Part of the tasks focus on technological solutions relating to teaching, such as mobile games. In addition, you will be able to partake in developing programming robotics or reporting services.
The rank and file service time is 255 days, and for those in leadership training 347 days.
- Ohjelmoija (IOS johtamisjärjestelmät), Puolustusvoimien tutkimuslaitos, Riihimäki
- Ohjelmoija, Maavoimien tiedustelu, Riihimäki
Systems installer
A full range of systems installer tasks will be conducted under the supervision and direction Finnish Defence Forces’ C5 Agency in the position of a brigade-level’s systems installer. This involves producing close support ICT services, including maintenance and constructing of close area networks, safety technology as well as ICT close support services’ installer tasks. In addition, you will offer technical support for end users as well as install supplementary devices and programmes. The task description will be tailored to meet your specific competences and skills.
Finnish Defence Forces’ C5 Agency, Helsinki
Virtual training assistant
Apply for the only game development task the Finnish Defence Forces has to offer. Serving as a virtual training assistant will grant you a solid basis for a civilian career in game development, and will introduce you to the FDF’s diverse selection of simulator equipment. Possible service assignments involve networking, programming, map creation, 3D modeling and VR/XR development. When applying, be sure to submit your application under “Virtual training assistant” (virtuaalikoulutustukihenkilö), then programmer (ohjelmoija) or 3D artist (3D-mallintaja) respectively. Your final assignment will be chosen based on your skills.
Web administrator
The admin functions as a technological specialist in the Defence Command’s Public Information Division. The media production team supports the FDF’s national communications, and caters for the classy contents and outlook of the FDF’s sites. The admin updates the FDF’s public domain online sites, drafts questionnaires, print outs statistics, advises contents producers and, when necessary, produces instructions fluently.

Regional offices
Regional offices will help you before and after your military service. Do not hesitate to contact us!
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