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Conscript using a computer

Research branch

The Finnish Defence Forces’ Research Agency and the National Defence University’s subject departments look for conscript research assistants with intermediate-level university studies or a completed university degree in applicable fields of science. Involving varying research and reporting tasks in military sciences, each research assistant position will be tailored as applicable.

Research assistant

The Finnish Defence Forces’ Research Agency and the National Defence University as well as the Defence Command offer training in emergency conditions’ tasks for, among others, mathematicians, chemists, physicists, Masters of Science (Eng.) as well as specialists in radio technology, computational science and social and behavioural sciences. The tasks include varying research and reporting duties involving, among others, operational analysis as well as natural sciences and technological research (CBRN protection, explosive ordnances and analytics), research in electronic warfare or in artificial intelligence, or research assistance. The prerequisite will be previous university-level studies in the given field of research.

National defence university, Helsinki

Naval academy, Helsinki

The Finnish Defence Research Agency, Riihimäki

The Finnish Defence Research Agency, Ylöjärvi