Do you want to be part of the forces with most striking capability safeguarding our borders?
Special border jaegers
Service location: Immola, Imatra
Service duration: 347 days
Contingent: July
Every special border jaeger is trained at least as an NCO, and about 25% are trained further to become reserve officers. Every paratrooper is trained to operate in all seasons, during any time of the day, and in all weather conditions. The objective of this versatile and demanding training is sustained readiness in operating as part of a wartime unit. The operational environment is characterized by the vicinity of the territorial border with its specific features.
Requirements for entry
The set entry requirements for becoming qualified as a special border jaeger:
good state of health, fitness for service class A
good physical condition
vision 0.7 (no glasses/contact lenses)
normal fields of vision
normal hearing
the ability to swim at least 200 metres
fair skiing skills.
The applicant MUST NOT sustain
criminal register or acts that have led to punishment (theft, embezzlement, assault or equivalent)
difficult skin conditions,
allergies requiring medical attention, or other prolonged, severe diseases requiring regular medication
unkempt teeth or dentures
recently broken limbs or difficult joint injuries
The annual deadline for applications is 6 December with the entrance exams taking place in January comprising physiological and psychological aptitude tests as well as a medical examination. The application for special border jaeger training needs to include the following documents:
an application for special border jaeger training,
a medical certificate that is in maximum three months old: an FDF medical examination form or T certificate (top part) are accepted, a youth health form is not applicable,
a copy of the most recent school certificate or of an upper secondary school course certificate that lists al the courses completed with respective grades,
Application for special operations forces

Regional offices
Regional offices will help you before and after your military service. Do not hesitate to contact us!
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