Leadership training
Leadership training is arranged to train the non-commissioned officers and reserve officers to lead wartime troops.
Leadership training focuses on leading people and developing as a leader. The framework for learning how to lead people bases on deep leading. The training objective is to develop into a leader who builds up trust, motivates people in their work, generates learning and values other people as equal human beings.
Leadership training is a unique opportunity, no equivalent practical leadership training is offered anywhere else!
Leadership training marks the start of life-long development as a leader of people. By applying for leadership training you will benefit your future and challenge yourself.
Educational institutions, including universities and universities of applied sciences, may award you ECTS credits or additional entrance credits based on the leadership training undertaken. Information concerning the acknowledgement of studies undertaken while in military service will be available at the given educational institutions. Your learning outcomes in leadership training will be filed in the leadership folder that you get to take with you when mustering out in the reserve.
This is how you apply for leadership training
Leadership training selections take place in all brigade-level units excluding the special operations forces after some 7 weeks of service at the closing of the basic training period.
During the basic training period, you will be asked whether or not you are willing to take leadership training. You may apply for leadership training from all service branches and tasks. The selection procedure remains equal and just and everybody starts from the same line in the selection.
It will be your attitude that decides! The selection will be most heavily impacted by the skills and personal leadership qualities that you have demonstrated during the basic training period.
NCO Course "Aukki" or Reserve Officer Course "Rukki"?
All those selected to undergo leadership training will take the NCO Course Phase I. After this, those undergoing training to become reserve officers will continue on the Reserve Officer Course, and the prospective non-commissioned officers will take the NCO Course Phase II. The Reserve Officer Course will last for 14 weeks and the NCO Course Phase II for 9 weeks.
Both reserve officer training and NCO training abide by the same contents as regards honing expertise in leading and instructing. The differences become evident in how the Reserve Officer Course focuses more on leading substantial entities and thereby covers theoretical studying as well, whereas the NCO Course Phase II focuses on leading a section and training practical skills.
The service time for all leaders is 347 days.
Training locations
NCO training will be available in nearly every brigade-level unit. Usually the NCOs specialising in a particular functional area will undertake training in a specialisation-specific brigade-level unit. Reserve officer training continues to be organised in the Reserve Officer School in Hamina and in the Armoured School in Parolannummi, which both are part of the Army Academy, as well as in the Naval Academy in Suomenlinna and in the Air Force Academy in Tikkakoski.
Leadership phase
After the NCO and Reserve Officer Courses have been completed, leadership training will continue in the form of the leadership phase that has the trainees serve as conscript leaders for the following contingent. During the 6-month leadership phase the focus will be on developing as leaders in wartime tasks. The learning outcomes will be supported by systematic feedback. The training objective is to generate the readiness to evaluate and develop one’s own learning and functioning as a leader.

Regional offices
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