Reservists’ direct access simplified – the Finnish Defence Forces to publish a new OmaIntti service online

Publication date 4.6.2024 15.02
Type:Press release
kuvituskuva, jossa näkyy omaintti-palvelun käyttöliittymä

The Finnish Defence Forces will take a significant step towards modern and digital direct access by publishing a new OmaIntti online service that will ensure increasingly streamlined access of reservists and persons liable for military service, and allow reservists to check their promotion-related information and provide updates on their own data in the direction of the Finnish Defence Forces. The new online service will be fielded on 4 June 2024.

A digital service intended for persons liable for military service, OmaIntti consolidates on its interface the online contents and access services of the Finnish Defence Forces utilising strong authentication and providing bespoke and personalised information relating to the varying phases of the liability for military service. The new section for own information, "Omat tiedot", allows persons liable for military service to check their own information including wartime task and promotions, and to update contact and equipment information. The scope and range of this information will vary depending on the given phase of the liability for military service.

– OmaIntti marks a major improvement in that it will ease the functioning of persons applying for the voluntary military service for women, of those attending the call-ups, and of conscripts and reservists. OmaIntti provides them with bespoke contents and allows checking and updating own information online with a new type of flexibility for direct access, DCOS Personnel of the Finnish Defence Forces, Major General Rami Saari says.

Improved interaction and timely information

– OmaIntti will significantly improve interaction between the Finnish Defence Forces and persons liable for military service. Users may now get timely information and advice at one platform during all phases of the liability for military service. All this has been much needed, Major General Saari continues. 

Comprising up-to-date instructions and access services for all phases of the liability for military service, Omaintti makes it easy and quick to find the necessary information, and, in the future, access via Omaintti will be even more comprehensive. Service features under development will extend the reservists’ opportunities for digital access, which in turn will streamline reservists’ activity, and enable checking and updating timely information easily.

The objective of the Finnish Defence Forces is to ensure that the access services are usable, accessible, and available, and to increase interaction with persons liable for military service. As developing digital access processes is an important objective in the Finnish Defence Forces, the OmaIntti project is part of a wider development policy. The Finnish Defence Forces will remain committed to continue developing the access services to ensure access effectiveness and efficiency

OmaIntti allows access for all persons liable for military service aged 18-60 (excl. service personnel of the Finnish Defence Forces and of the Finnish Border Guard), and for women aged 18-29 interested in the voluntary military service for women, by means of strong authentication online at